Media & Press
Reputation Rhino has been recognized by some of the largest and most respected news media in the world. Our extraordinary team of experienced legal, public relations, marketing and technology experts have been featured on Bloomberg Businessweek, Newsweek, Forbes, U.S. News, Hollywood Reporter, WABC Radio and more.

7 Marketing Lessons From The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Even if you are not able to replicate the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, “a shared commitment to charity and community, extending from the board room to the mailroom, can have a powerful positive impact on company reputation inside and outside the company,” explains Todd William, founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online reputation management and marketing consultancy in New York City.…

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media, Blogging, and Branding
In other words, if you are writing a wholesome mommy blog, your Spring Break ’99 photos have to go. If you are unsure of how to go about doing this, companies such as Reputation Rhino manage your online reputation for you and eliminate anything that you don’t want online. If your blog becomes popular, cleaning up before comes in handy!…

Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Scandal Highlights Perils of Privacy in the Digital Age
“You have to wonder whether online privacy is dead or just on life support, when photos stored in the cloud with the same level of encryption used by major financial institutions are compromised over a period of months across dozens of accounts,” said Todd William, founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online reputation management company in New York City.…

7 Expert Tips to Protect Your Online Reputation with SEO and Social Media
“Many people, from doctors and lawyers to SEO experts, have successfully used blogging to become thought leaders in their industry and build a personal brand to challenge competitors with much higher marketing and PR budgets…a blog, especially when paired with an expanding social or professional network online, is one of the most cost-effective brand marketing tools available,” explains Todd William from Reputation Rhino.…

Do Entrepreneurs Actually Call Themselves Entrepreneurs?
“I use the title ‘founder and CEO’ when asked to define my role within our company. The inclusion of ‘founder’ in my business title communicates a relationship to our brand that is original and enduring … By [adding] the title ‘CEO’ I am able to establish authority and decision-making power… When meeting clients, many of whom are small business owners, I typically share the fact that I am also a small business owner and that their concerns… are also my own,” says Todd William, Founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino.…

How to Avoid Trouble at Work by Being Tech Savvy
Todd William, CEO of Reputation Rhino, a Midtown East reputation management firm, warns that a post as controversial as Sacco’s can cause a firestorm, regardless of a disclaimer: “I don’t think you can disclaim your way out of using bad judgment.”…

6 Tips to Clean Up Your Social Media Profile
If a job applicant thinks employers aren’t checking their Facebook and Twitter profiles, they’re wrong… If you’re going to manage your online reputation, you need to know what employers are most likely to find, so conduct your own search. “Put yourself in the shoes of a potential recruiter, and Google yourself,” says Todd William, CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online reputation management company in New York..

5 Tips for Current or Prospective Law School Students in a Difficult Economy
Experts disagree on how, if at all, prospective J.D.’s should use social media in the application process. Todd William, founder and CEO of the online reputation management company Reputation Rhino, says law schools hire his firm to vet applicants’ social media handles…

Social Media: Why Business School Applicants Need to Keep it Clean
“Clients who sign up for Reputation Rhino’s service can have the company help them conduct online, which means getting negative content removed whenever possible or highlighting positive content, so it moves the negative onto the second or third page of search results…”

Reputation Rhino CEO Live Interview on WABC Radio
Todd William, founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino LLC, appeared live on WABC Radio to explain how online reputation management works and why everyone needs to be taking proactive steps to promote, protect and defend their online reputation.

Rush Limbaugh's Advertiser Exodus
Six advertisers pulled out between late Tuesday and Wednesday night; one of them, Reputation Rhino, a reputation management firm, insisted that they bought bulk air time on ABC and would make sure their ads would not run on Limbaugh’s show and even used the situation as a subject for their blog…

Interview with Geraldo Rivera
Celebrity journalist Geraldo Rivera invited Reputation Rhino founder and CEO Todd William to appear live on his syndicated radio talk show in May 2012 to discuss the importance of online reputation in today’s difficult employment environment as part of a Putting America Back to Work event in New York City. The Putting America Back to Work event was one of the most successful recruiting and educational programs in New York City and received widespread media coverage, attracting thousands of candidates and dozens of companies.

Help Your Business Avoid Social TMI
“I recommend that companies consider creating a social media SWAT team, including at least one representative from HR, marketing, and a C-level executive with some digital savvy,” said Todd William, founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online reputation monitoring and management company. “It helps to have some social media command and control in the event of an online reputation crisis.”…

The Do's and Don'ts of Agency Branding
This year’s Harris Poll EquiTrend® study reports that overall, the insurance industry’s brand equity lags behind others in the broader financial services category.Why? Todd William, CEO of Reputation Rhino, points out that insurance messaging doesn’t tend to put people at ease. “There is an inherent difficulty of marketing products based on the possibility of accident or death,” he says.…

6 Tips to Clean Up Your Social Media Profile
For most of us, it’s not hard to manage our online reputations, but there are a few things you’ll want to consider… If you’re going to manage your online reputation, you need to know what employers are most likely to find, so conduct your own search.”Put yourself in the shoes of a potential recruiter, and Google yourself,” says Todd William, CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online reputation management company in New York…

Tips for Pre Law
A recent study by Kaplan Test Prep showed 41 percent of admissions officers at the top law schools in the U.S. “Googled” an applicant and 37 percent visited an applicant’s Facebook page or another social networking site, said Todd William, founder and CEO of Reputation Rhino, an online service that offers online reputation management and repair such as removing negative content off Google searches of your name…

WorkWise: Social Media Puts Some Job Hunters On Edge
No luck? Post regularly yourself by “starting your own blog or putting up a website, and joining public discussion and networking groups relevant to your profession,” Reputation Rhino founder and CEO Todd William suggests. Push the troublesome link down…